Mission, Vision, Values
OUR foundations
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension, is the chief cornerstone on which our faith is built.
See Ephesians 2
The Bible/Scripture
The Bible is the inspired word of God, the story of His redeeming work. It is fully reliable in leading us to know God and equipping us to faithfully follow Jesus.
See 2 Timothy 3
Reformed Confessions & Ecumenical Creeds
The Reformed Confessions provide a summary of Biblical teaching with a “reformed accent.” The ecumenical creeds have been used for hundreds of years to proclaim the core beliefs that unite Christians across all time and ages.
See creeds/confessions of the CRC
Belonging is at the heart of community. As the body of believers, even though we are many, we form one body, who belong to each other. We use our gifts to serve God, one another, and the world at large.
See Romans 12
Local Church
Under God’s sovereignty, the local church exists intentionally in a place and space to provide a meaningful presence and to be a visible and active expression of Christ’s love to our communities.
See Acts 2
We are a community of belonging as we journey together towards being faithful followers of Jesus. We share our lives with each other, encouraging one another as we seek to live and love more like Christ.
Acknowledging God's generosity to us, we are a generous and grace-filled people who freely give our gifts, possessions, time, and presence to each other, our communities, and the world at large.
We celebrate God’s covenant faithfulness through God’s many gifts, with salvation in Jesus being the greatest. As God is faithful to us, we strive to be faithful to God, to each other, and to our communities.
We empathize with, and enter into, the suffering of others, extending God’s presence, hope and peace in difficult times and spaces.
We humbly use our God-given gifts and abilities to love each other, our communities, and God’s world.
OUR purpose
We exist to humbly receive the abundant love of God and to abundantly love Jesus, one another, our communities, and the world.
Abundantly Loved / Abundantly Loving
“I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly” John 10:10 (NRSV)

OUR Vision
A welcoming and generous church family that abundantly loves God, one another, and our communities.
OUR Mission
We are formed into a people of abundant love by gathering for transformative worship, living out open-handed hospitality, and living in purposeful relationships with God, each other, and our communities.